International law

Alaziz Alhashemi

International law is the set of rules governing relations between States which allow themselves sovereignty and does not recognize any higher authority. This allegation confers on the legal norms that dominate these relations an innovative quality that distinguishes them from the rules of domestic law.

The persons belonging to this law are subject to the authority to establish and enforce respect for the law, while States which are the subjects of international law shall, after agreement among themselves, issue regulations reflecting their common interest, each of which shall be free to assess the extent of its obligation and the conditions for its implementation The domestic law is a law of obedience and compliance that controls persons who can be compelled to respect the law by force if necessary and by the competent administrative bodies, whereas international law, on the contrary, is a law of coordination that is limited to the recruitment of cooperation between States.

And all international laws, conflicts, wars and major transgressions

  Countries need a platform for implementation, or we can say international controls that must be respected through international courts and international sovereign bodies.

Like the International Criminal Court

and the International Court of Justice

and the United Nations

And a large group of specialized agencies

Through my firm belief in supporting the rule of law, I have supported the International Criminal Court by introducing it, publishing its law, and lecturing on its behalf in several forums around the world.

And not only that, but I completed that by belonging to the specialized trade unions of the Criminal Court and alliances, and I was active in them for 12 continuous years, and I participated in a large number of international committees and the processing of cases.

She was assigned several international missions by the Coalition for the International Criminal Court.

I have several international articles on international criminal law and I participate in training courses on an ongoing basis with the Criminal Court.

I am a member of:

Coalition for the International Criminal Court.

Member European Criminal Bar Association ECBA EU.

Member European Fraud And Compliance Lawyers EFCL EU.

MEMBERSHIP International Criminal Court Bar Association ICCBA ABCPI .