Publisher: Canadian Center of Science and Education
Publication Name: International Law Research
DOI: 10.5539/ilr.v12n1p61
Direct diplomatic negotiations are the most important and most common means to settle international disputes. Studies indicated that, historically states had felt a legal obligation to negotiate before resorting to the use of force, even if that commitment does not exceed the formal framework. This concept played its role in the efforts made by jurists during the Middle Ages to determine the nature of war and the necessity to negotiate before everyone agreed to use legal forces. The negotiation of subsequent countries was considered to be one of the necessary preconditions for the recognition of fair use of power. Even if it is clear that the negotiations are nothing more than a demonstration, it remains necessary, without it the use of power is condemned. The present study aims to provide an analytical discussion on the peaceful means of settling international disputes. Specific focus is provided to the diplomatic means of dispute settlement, especially in the Gulf countries….