Issue: 2581-3048
Volume: 3
Publication Date: 2019
Publication Name: International Research Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology
The efforts of state bodies in creating an investment climate to receive more foreign investments, both in terms of type and value, have been varied and dealt with, while addressing the legal elements related to investment and trade, both domestically and internationally. At the domestic level, these countries have made amendments to the legislative structure to make it more suitable for foreign investment, benefiting in the development of legislation based on previous experiences. In this context, the tendency of countries to liberalize investment comes from the restrictions that contributed to the decline in the flow of some forms of investments in these countries, such as the restrictions on re-exporting invested money and transferring its profits abroad, as well as the restrictions that surrounded the method of settling investment disputes, especially arbitration regarding the formation of The arbitral tribunal or in relation to the law applicable to the dispute as we shall see in section II.