Dr. Azab Alaziz Alhashemi, a renowned expert in international commercial arbitration in the UAE and the Middle East, donated eight of his publications to the Peace Palace Library. With over 13 years of experience, he’s an accomplished author and is set to release a new book later this year.

Earlier this year, Dr. Azab Alaziz Alhashemi, an expert on international commercial arbitration in the UAE & the Middle East, visited the Peace Palace Library and generously donated eight of his own publications to our collection.  Dr. Azab Alaziz Alhashemi has more than thirteen years of experience in international commercial arbitration and investor-state arbitration. He informed us that he has been working on his new book for the last six years which will be published later this year.

Dr. Azab Alaziz Alhashemi’s position and titles are:
1- Professional International Arbitrator at Dispute Resolution Board Foundation “DRBF.”

2- Member at Center of American and International Law, “CAIL” Texas.

3-Member of the Association of International Arbitration, “AIA” Brussels.

4-Member at London Court of International Arbitration, “LCIA” London.

5-Member at International Council for Commercial Arbitration, “ICCA” France.

6-Member of European Association for International Education, “EAIE” Holland.


Dr. Azab Alaziz Alhashemi donated the following list of publications to the Peace Palace Library:

  1. Arbitration and other means of dispute settlement in the light of Syrian law and the Lebanese law of civil procedure in relation to the Egyptian Arbitration Law and international arbitration systems.

التحكيم و الوسائل البديلة لفض النزاعات في ضوء القانون السوري
و قانون أصول المحاكمات المدنية اللبناني مقارنة بقانون التحكيم المصري و نظم التحكيم الدولية

  1. Arbitration and other means of dispute settlement in the light of Libyan law in relation to the Egyptian Arbitration Law and international arbitration systems.

لتحكيم و الوسائل البديلة لفض النزاعات في ضوء القانون الليبي مقارنة بقانون التحكيم المصري و نظم التحكيم الدولية

  1. Arbitration in the light of the Qatari Arbitration Law No. 2 of 2017 compared to the Egyptian Arbitration Law No. 27 of 1993 for international arbitration systems.

التحكيم في ضوء قانون التحكيم القطري رقم 2 لسنة 2017 مقارنة بقانون التحكيم المصري
رقم 27 لسنة 1993 لنظم التحكيم الدولية

  1. Arbitration in FIDIC Construction Contracts and International Contracts and their recent amendments in the light of the Emirati Arbitration Law compared to the Egyptian Arbitration Law.

التحكيم في عقود الإنشاءات و عقود الفيديك الدولية و التعديلات الأخيرة
فيها في ضوء قانون التحكيم الإماراتي مقارنة بقانون التحكيم المصري

  1. Arbitration and other means of dispute settlement in the light
    of the Kuwaiti arbitration law in comparison with the Egyptian arbitration law and international arbitration system.

التحكيم و الوسائل البديلة لفض النزاعات في ضوء قانون التحكيم الكويتي مقارنة بقانون التحكيم المصري و نظم التحكيم الدولية

  1. Arbitration of gas and oil contracts in the light of the Emirati versus Egyptian arbitration law.

التحكيم في عقود الغاز و البترول في ضوء قانون التحكيم الإماراتي مقارنة بقانون التحكيم المصري

7. Arbitration in the United Arab Emirates; explaining the new arbitration law No. {6} for the year 2018. ( 2 copies available)

The Peace Palace Library would like to express its gratitude and appreciation in response to Dr. Azab Alaziz Alhashemi’s generous book donations which helps us to create a resource-rich Library. We thank you for your support.