
Corona epidemic came to remind us of the male value, justice, and equality, regardless of gender, race, language, or religion; it came to test the major countries in their ability to change the destruction and killing principles and clarify the growing gap between human needs and available resources.


Indeed, the challenges arising from the health sector represent unconventional and major threats to the security of poor countries, because many individuals have become victims because of poor health infrastructure.


We should not be under the illusion that poor countries will be able to stand up to the epidemic alone; rather it will increase the spread of the epidemic globally, in the absence of a global strategic vision based on human rights principles of survival


It has been nearly four months since the epidemic occurred, yet the issue has not been discussed in the UN Security Council, until this moment. China presides over the Council for March.


China did not raise the issue to the Council members and did not even accept its discussion in a closed session before the closure of the United Nations building, based on a proposal submitted by one of the non-permanent member states.


The Asian state did not find it necessary to discuss the issue and did not consider it a threat to international peace and security.


When the Chinese ambassador Zhang Jun, was asked, if the Council would discuss the issue of the danger posed by the coronavirus epidemic, he said that the Security Council members generally feel that there is no need for fear in this period, and they will monitor the situation, as a Covid-19 is not on the council’s agenda for the March month.


When asked about the explanation of this, he explained that the virus falls within the umbrella of global public health issues and not under the umbrella of the Security Council concerned with geopolitical issues.


We compare the Security Council’s position in dealing with Corona and Ebola which broke out in 2014. The Security Council convened on September 18, 2014, and listened to a speech from Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and from the United Nations Coordinator for the Ebola Epidemic, David Nabarro, who was appointed by Ki-moon as soon as the news of the epidemic spread.


The Ebola epidemic which spread over two years mainly in three African countries: Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia, the lifestyles in the country’s rest have not changed, bearing in mind that the number of injuries reached about 28,000 cases and the deaths volume 11,310. However, it was considered a threat to International peace.


The number of Corona casualties, until now, has reached 570,000 cases in 196 countries, and the deaths reached 26,500, but it does not threaten international peace and security, according to the Chinese ambassador.


*Late awakening


Everything began to change last March, after the epidemic began claiming hundreds in developed countries, and began spreading towards developing countries, until almost every country in the world, including the Gaza Strip, which we thought was immune to the epidemic, due to the blockade and the embargo that has lasted for more than 13 years.


It is time for the earth’s inhabitants especially, the developed countries, to draw lessons to adapt to the conditions of maintaining a secure nature for the survival of man and the human conscience alive in the hearts away from wars, political deception, conspiracy against people and the depletion of their wealth. Perhaps it is a conscience awakening for all world leaders.


By Dr. Azab Alaziz Alhashemi

