Countries aim to attract foreign investments by amending domestic legislation, liberalizing restrictions, and enhancing dispute resolution methods, including arbitration, based on past experiences and evolving investment climates.


The efforts of state bodies in creating an investment climate to receive more foreign investments, both in terms of type and value, have been varied and dealt with, while addressing the legal elements related to investment and trade, both domestically and internationally. At the domestic level, these countries have made amendments in the legislative structure to make it more suitable for foreign investment, benefiting in the development of legislation based on previous experiences. In this context, the tendency of countries to liberalize investment comes from the restrictions that contributed to the decline in the flow of some forms of investments in these countries, such as the restrictions on re-exporting invested money and transferring its profits abroad, as well as the restrictions that surrounded the method of settling investment disputes, especially arbitration in regard to the formation of The arbitral tribunal or in relation to the law applicable to the dispute as we shall see in section II.

Country: Switzerland / Geneva

1 Dr. Azab Alaziz AlHashemi

  1. Member of the International Trade Council France ICCA, Member of the Board of the London Court of International Arbitration LCIA, Arbitrator, and member of the American Center for International Law Texas CIAL

IRJIET, Volume 3, Issue 10, October 2019 pp. 23-45


First: References in Arabic

  1. Glossary of banking and financial terminology MajdiAssiouti.
  2. Purchasing department in government organizations Noman Hafez Salman.
  3. The bill of lading and its role in maritime trade, Dr. Ahmed Hosni.
  4. Arbitration forms in the bill of lading a. Foued Al Alwani Free membership.
  5. Encyclopedia of Arbitration – d. Abdul Hamid Al Ahdab.
  6. A brief study of international commercial arbitration – Councillor Ahmed Mounir.
  7. General principles of international commercial arbitration – d. Abu Zayd Radhwan Free membership.
  8. Research on international arbitration – May 1992 Bulletin – International Chamber of Commerce, Paris Advisor / Mohamed Bedjaoui.
  9. Protection of arbitration in the field of disputes d. Issam Al Kassbi Free membership.
  10. Arbitration as a means of settling investment disputes and a comparative study d. Ahmed Abdel Hamid Ashoush.

Second: References in English

  1. Letters of credit\ American Bankers Association-Washington\USA.
  2. Practical Aspects of Commercial Letters of Credit\E.Shaw.
  3. The Language of Business\Anjela Mac.
  4. Export and Import, By Guaranty Trust Co. New York.
  5. Uniform Customs and Practice Documentary Credits\UCP 400, UCP 500, and UCP 600.
  6. Banking and Financial Directory\ Magdi El-Assiouty.Reference :