Issue:  2347-9523
Publisher:  SASPR Edu International Pvt. Ltd
Publication Date:  2020
Publication Name:  Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology
DOI: 10.36347/sjet.2020.v08i06.003
The promulgation of the Arbitration law (No.2) of 2017, as the first independent and special arbitration law, is one of the most important complementary to the investment climate for the development and harmonization of national legislation and the universality of the environment for business and investment, ensuring the attraction and encouragement of foreign investment, and attracting prestigious international and global arbitration centers. To benefit from the arbitration law and to open branches in Qatar. Despite the positive, modern, and innovative creation of the new country arbitration law, it contains a shortage. This has led the parties of arbitration to unsolved legal positions and has prolonged the dispute and that will be briefly addressed. Keywords: Arbitration – Civil and Commercial Articles – Qatar – Future Outlook.